Saturday, January 31, 2009

Whatchu Know Bout Me? Whatchu Whatchu Know Bout Me?

Alight, I know it has taken me a bit but I finally have a proper layout, banner, this and that, etc. etc. so it is time for an official introduction from your fearless leader! Brace yourselves, because I'm going to bore the shit out of you with this one.

My name is Corey.
I live in one of three places at any given time.
New York City.
I am 6' 1" short.
I am pretty darn skinny.
I am straight (sorry dudes!).
I am single (you're welcome ladies).
I also write and work for doing men's fashion blogging and Public Relations.
I am 21 dangerous and traumatizing years of age.
I am a student at Northeastern University (sometimes).
I am obsessed with fashion, mostly shoes (ask my mother).
I started this blog to show what influences me in my adventures through the world that is fashion.
Buffalo, NY is not the shittiest city in the world!
I am not your typical fashion person.
I love beer.
I love heavy metal music.
I love sports.
I love movies and video games.
I have a solid crew of friends and family who I love to death (I'm sure you'll meet them at some point on the blog).
I'm going to attempt to update as much as possible.
The site is still in progress, I have a lot to learn about Blogspot still.
I am going to rock your fucking life with this blog!

What made me want to start this blog?
I had a crazy day dream one afternoon that Marc Jacobs had a runway show on an old movie set from Back To The Future to the sound of Pantera's greatest hits album, however Anna Wintour wasn't in the front row. Instead it was 80's pop stars, cartoon characters, Chuck Norris and the Fashion Indie crew (weird I know). Since that will never happen, I decided that I would start this blog to fill that void in my life. Each post is one puzzle piece towards recreating that dream in real life!

Hope you like what I offer up, and as always feedback is rad!


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